Chat with a Product Leader

Product Manager Time Machine

Join us on Thursday September 1st, at 1pm (EST) to learn about tips, tools, and practices to help you excel as a PM from Day 1:

  • Proven practices for collaborating effectively with your partners in design, engineering, UXR, and data science
  • Defining North Star metrics and what data does and doesn't matter
  • Under and overlooked skills and competencies for PMs at all levels
  • This event is open for anyone to join! No worries if you can't make it, we'll send over the recording to all registrants.

Hosted by:
Josh Dormont
Assoc. Director of Product @ Amplify

About the Host

Josh is a proud liberal arts-trained technologist with the heart of an educator and the toolset of a designer. His work brings together 15 years of experience as an educator, product manager, and team leader. He achieves his best work in solving complex problems by bringing together diverse groups from multiple disciplines to identify, build, and test new solutions. Learn more about Josh's work through his portfolio.

"As an educator, product manager, and team leader — I help organizations build sustainable solutions that help them learn, innovate, and better serve their clients and users."

About Amplify

A pioneer in K-12 education since 2000, Amplify is leading the way in next-generation curriculum and formative assessment. Their programs provide teachers with powerful tools that help them understand and respond to the needs of their students. Today, Amplify serves more than 10 million students in all 50 states. 
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